Thursday, October 16, 2014

Stress and its conditions

Life in the city and now for most of the people around the world is full of hassles, frustration and problems. For a lot people stress has come a way of life, they live their  life's with stress and it became common for too many people.

What is stress?

stress is the formal and physical response to a even or situation that makes you feel upset in some type of way. The stress response is the body way to protect you, when you are getting attacked  you will run away or scream or also attack back, thats the way your body responses.


Stress symptom's 

  • Memory problems, Inability to concentrate, Poor judgement, constant worry.
  • Agitation, Inability to relax,  irritation or short temper, sense of loneliness and desolation.
  • Aches and pains,  Diarrhea or constipation, chest pain and rapt heartbeat.
  • Eating more or less, sleeping to much or too little,  isolating yourself from others, nervous habits.

Causes of stress

Evens or situations that causes stress are known as stressors. We usually think that just bad thinks can causes stress in our life's, getting marry or buying a new car can cause stress in your life in a positive way of course.

How can we deal with stress?

You may think that stress has the control over your life, But you are the one who needs to learn how to respond to it,  thinking about your acts and own habits and  controlling them little by little. Taking the control over your schedule, habits, behaviors and the way you deal with your problems 

  1. Exercising can be a good way to take the stress out, so you relax after a hard day of work.
  2.  Eat healthy and follow a healthy diet to keep up reducing your caffeine  and sugar intake, and cut off with  alcohol and nicotine.
  3. Getting plenty of sleep can be a great help, when you get tired your body responses irrationally to stressful situations, keep your good mood by getting good nights of sleep.

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