Relaxing habits

Relaxing Habits

Stress can affect our lives in many different ways not just only in our behavior but in our state of health,  your emotions and behaviors can be affected easily, not part in our body is immune to stress. Stress is a problem and also the cause of a lot of deaths around the world, it's the enemy and we need to take a reprehension against it. Relaxing habits are a tool that everybody should practice. 

Aristoteles uses to say " We are what we repeatedly do. excellence then, is not an act, but a habit."

An habit is something that we usually do, it sticks  sticks to us, that basically represent the person we are and who we want to be. if you answer badly to somebody because of stress that's and habit, if you hit something every time  other things go wrong is an habit. There is bad habits and good habits, to stop stress we'll use the Relaxing habits that will deal along with stress. 

Habits that will make stress less stressful 

Think about one of the times that you weren't in a hurry or hustle?, What were you doing?. Some people feel joy on reading a book at home while feeling the heat of a fire, some take the stress out by running or just by doing physical  exercises, We are all different thats why  a lot people relax differently.

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